What Are Amino Acids?

Called the “building blocks of life,” amino acids can be obtained in healthy amounts by eating foods that contain them.

Amino acids are compounds that make up proteins.

Found naturally in our bodies, they are often referred to as “important places in life”.

The production of enzymes requires amino acids, as well as some hormones and neurotransmitters.

They are also involved in numerous metabolic pathways within cells throughout the body.

You can get amino acids from your food.

After your body has digested and broken down proteins, amino acids remain in the body to help:

Break food
Stretch and repair body tissues
Provide a source of energy
Do other physical work

Types of Amino Acids

Amino acids can be grouped into three different groups.

Unnecessary amino acids: These are naturally produced by your body and have nothing to do with your diet.

Below are examples of unnecessary amino acids.

Aspartic acid
Glutamic acid
Essential Amino Acids: These cannot be produced by the body and must come from the food you eat.

If you don’t eat foods that contain essential amino acids, your body won’t have them. The following are essential amino acids:


It is not necessary to eat essential amino acids in every meal. Eating foods throughout the day can help you get healthier.

Animal-based foods such as meat, milk, fish and eggs provide essential amino acids.

Plant-based foods such as soy, beans, nuts and grains also contain essential amino acids.

For many years, there has been controversy over whether a vegetarian diet can provide the required amount of amino acids.

Many experts believe that although it may be difficult for vegetarians to maintain a proper diet, if they offer 5 to 6 whole grains of the American Heart Association, and offer 5 or more of vegetables and fruits. Follow the instructions. , Per day.

Conditional amino acids: These are not usually essential for everyday life but they are important when you are sick, injured, or stressed.

Conditional amino acids include:


When you are sick or injured, your body cannot make enough conditioned amino acids, and you may need it through food or supplements.

Talk to your doctor about the safest way to do this.

Can Amino Acids Be Harmful?

When you have too many amino acids in your body, the following effects can occur.

Stomach upset such as bloating
Stomach pain
Increased risk of gout (formation of uric acid in the body, which causes joint inflammation)
Unhealthy drop in blood pressure
Changes in food patterns
Your kidneys need to work harder to maintain balance
Most diets provide safe amounts of amino acids.

However, talk to your doctor if you plan to follow a diet that is high in protein or includes amino acid supplements for any reason.


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