What Is Vaginal Itching? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Itching of the vagina or surrounding area can be a sign of infection.

Vaginal itching, sometimes called vaginitis, occurs when the vagina becomes swollen, often causing discharge and pain.

Changes in the normal balance of vaginal bacteria, as well as infections, are common causes of vaginal itching.

Causes of Vaginal Itching

Itching of the skin of the vagina or vulva (the area around the vagina) may be a sign of this:

Yeast Infections
Sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, or trichomoniasis
The growth of normal bacteria in the vagina, called bacterial vaginosis
Other causes of vaginal itching may include:

Menopause or low estrogen levels
External objects remain in the vagina, such as tampons
Intra-Turin Device (IUD) for Birth Control
Medications, such as antibiotics and steroids
Moisture or tight fitting clothing
Detergents, fabric softeners, feminine sprays, ointments, creams, douches, and chemicals found in contraceptive foams, jellies, or creams
Skin conditions, such as unknown vaginitis or lichen planus
Diabetes is poorly controlled
Cervical or vaginal cancer

Signs and Symptoms of Vaginal Itching

The following symptoms may indicate a vaginal infection.

Pelvic pain
Green, yellow or gray matter
Foam or greasy (such as cottage cheese) is released
Get medical help if you experience any of the above.

Treatment and Medication Options for Vaginal Itching

Medical treatment will depend on the cause of your symptoms, and may include prescription medications or creams.

The following home remedies can also help relieve your symptoms.

Keeping your genetic area clean
Wear loose fitting clothing during the day, wearing cotton underwear, and no clothing at bedtime to help your vagina “breathe”.
Avoid using soap, and wash the area with water instead
Running in a hot (not hot) bath
Avoid douches, as they eliminate healthy bacteria that help fight infection
Do not use hygiene sprays, perfumes or powders near the vagina
If you have an infection, use a pad instead of a tampon
Clean the front and back when using the toilet
If you have diabetes, control your blood glucose.

What Is Vaginal Itching? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention
What Is Vaginal Itching? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention


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