What Is Internet Addiction? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

People with other addictions have a higher risk of developing an Internet addiction.

Internet addiction is a psychological disorder that causes people to spend so much time on the computer that it affects their health, employment, finances or relationships.

How Common Is Internet Addiction?

Internet addiction has not been studied as much as other mental health conditions.

But a study in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse found that 8.2 percent of Americans are addicted to the Internet.

Other studies estimate that more than 18% of college-age Internet users may be affected, according to Internet Addiction: A Handbook and Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment.

Although anyone can develop an IAD, most people who do this are men in their teens, early twenties and thirties.

Some reports suggest that Internet addiction is a particularly serious problem in Asian countries.

According to a 2013 report by Reuters, there may be 680,000 young people between the ages of 10 and 19 in South Korea who are addicted to the Internet.

And China has set up rigorous, military-style rehabilitation camps to force Internet addicts to stay away from online activities.

According to a 2012 report in China Daily, there are more than 1,500 camp instructors in China licensed to treat Internet addiction.

Risk Factors and Complications

People who develop Internet addiction often feel socially isolated. They may find it difficult to build and maintain relationships with their peers.

And other addicts, such as alcohol, drugs, sex or gambling, have a higher risk of developing IAD.

Studies show that people with IAD also have a higher risk of mental health concerns, such as:

Stay away from people
Problems overcoming continuity
Drug-related diseases, such as alcoholism or drug use

Signs and Symptoms of Internet Addiction

Like other addictions, internet addiction is not just about the interest or hobby that one enjoys.

If it is actually addictive, it can cause one or more of the following.

Adverse effects on your school or job performance
Less with your family or friends
Loss of interest in other pursuits or pursuits
Feeling anxious or depressed when you’re away from your computer
When you’re not at your computer, you spend most of your time thinking about getting back into it
Angry or defensive reaction when someone comments on your behavior
Take steps to hide your computer / internet usage
People with IAD can spend more time online doing the following activities:

Trade stocks
Purchase of goods
“Shopping” for Relationships on Dating Sites
Cybersecurity or pornography
social media
If you abuse them, many of these activities can lead to serious instability, such as relationship problems or financial consequences.

Internet Addiction Withdrawal

Like all addictive behaviors, IAD can cause more domains in the brain.

This means that people with IAD effectively feel “superior” when they’re busy on the computer – but it also means that they may experience withdrawal symptoms when they’re not online.

Symptoms of quitting Internet addiction include depression, irritability, anxiety, sweating or tremors, insomnia, mood swings, and – in rare cases – a psychological break with reality.

In a disturbing case, “a 25-year-old boy has been playing an Internet game for at least eight hours for two years, then developed a fully developed psychological phenomenon after stopping it,” a 2014 report in Psychiatry said. According to, the investigation.

How Is Internet Addiction Diagnosed?

Various questionnaires have tried to diagnose IAD scientifically. Currently, no scoring system research is supported.

But some of the questions that may point to IAD include:

Are you busy using the internet?
Are you unable to resist the urge to use the Internet?
Do you have to use a certain amount of internet to feel satisfied?
When you can’t use the Internet, do you find yourself in a bad mood, anxious, irritable, or angry?
When you are in a bad mood or anxious, do you turn to the internet to solve your problems?
Do you stay online longer than your goal?
Do you repeatedly try to reduce your online time, just to fail?
Do you have any physical symptoms (back pain, Austrian) from being so online? Are you still using the internet despite these symptoms?
Do you have problems with your school or job performance due to your internet use? Are you still using the internet despite these worries?
Do you have any problems with family or friends because of your internet use? Are you still using the internet despite these worries?
Does your Internet use ever violate known laws?

Treatment and Medication Options for Internet Addiction

In some cases, IAD develops as a way to avoid other problems, such as anxiety and depression.

Med medications to treat these disorders, such as antidepressants or antidepressants, may help treat IAD.

Examples of antidepressants used to treat IAD include:

Citalopram – Seroquel (quetiapine) combination therapy
Lexapro (Skeletoperm)
Vivitrol (Naltrexone)
Well Battery (Bioproin)
Ask your doctor if you need to take medication for Internet addiction.

Studies show that due to the reduction in online use, physical exercise with IAP may help reduce dopamine levels.

In addition, cognitive therapy can help with some of the symptoms of IAD, such as depression and anxiety.

Therapy aimed at changing behaviors can also be used to treat IAD.

Severe IAD, or gambling disorder or substance abuse may require severe treatment or even a treatment program for patients with an addictive bile.

If you enter IAD treatment, the goal should not be to eliminate Internet use, but to reduce it to a normal level that allows you to run and maintain personal relationships.

Additional reporting by Brian P. Dunley.


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