What Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?

For people with generalized anxiety disorder, simply thinking about the day can cause anxiety.

Anxiety, irritability and difficulty sleeping are symptoms of GAD. Russell Johnson
Sometimes worrying about health, money, relationships, and other things is a natural part of life. But for those with a general anxiety disorder (GAD), these worries become far more desirable.

People with GAD worry about everyday things, even when there is no obvious cause for concern. In some cases, just thinking about the day can be stressful.

This excessive anxiety can cause some physical symptoms and interfere with daily life.

How Common Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder? 

According to the National Institutes of Mental Health, 2.7% of the US adult population is affected by anxiety disorder in any given year. And it’s twice as common in women as it is in men. (1)

Understanding that you are not alone can be the first step in dealing with your anxiety. “I first tell patients that the treatment is there and it works, and then I tell them I’ve seen a lot of things that make them feel better,” said Beth Celsedo, medical director. Are. ” President of the Ross Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders in Washington, D.C., and Board President of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.

What Causes Generalized Anxiety Disorder? 

The exact causes of the general anxiety disorder are unknown. Risk factors for GAD may include:

Genetic disorders run in families.
Traumatic events Traumatic events, such as childhood abuse, can trigger the condition.
Brain structure and activity Researchers believe that differences in areas of stress and anxiety control may be helpful in this condition.
Women who become pregnant are also more likely to have anxiety disorders – and are more likely to experience them than the general population. It is estimated that 8.5 to 10.5 percent of women will have GAD during pregnancy, and 4.4 to 10.8 percent of women will have postpartum postpartum. (2)

If you think you are experiencing general anxiety disorder during this time, it is important to talk to your doctor about the symptoms and whether you need treatment. If necessary, your doctor will discuss the risks and benefits of taking the medicine.

What Are the Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

A general anxiety disorder can cause a number of psychological symptoms, including:

Excessive worry about everyday things
Unable to rest and relax
Difficulty paying attention
Sleep problems such as falling asleep or having trouble sleeping
It looks like everything is going to turn out badly
These problems can be accompanied by a number of physical symptoms, such as:

Muscle tension and muscle pain
Age can affect symptoms like yours. According to a study published in the February 2018 issue of the Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, patients with anxiety disorders typically were over 65 years of age, with patients under 45 years of age experiencing sleep disturbances and high stress levels. Used to (3)

There was also a difference in such concerns: older patients were concerned about their own health and that of their family, while younger patients were more concerned about their own future and the health of others. (3)

How Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder Diagnosed? 

As with other anxiety disorders, there is no specific test for diagnosing general anxiety disorder.

Your doctor may perform a physical examination and order blood tests to rule out other possible causes of your symptoms.

A general anxiety disorder is based on your psychological and physical symptoms.

According to the American Psychiatric Association’s diagnostic criteria, if you had difficulty controlling, excessive anxiety – for at least six months, and for at least six months, and at least three of the three anxiety symptoms. If tested: 4)

Anxiety or malice
Get tired easily
Difficulty concentrating, or feeling like your brain is empty
Muscle tension
Sleep problems
Your symptoms should also be severe enough to impair your ability to run your daily life, and should not be due to substance abuse or other disorders or health problems.

What Is the Treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder? 

The two main treatments for GAD are psychotherapy and medication. Your doctor may prescribe a set of treatments.

Therapists often use an approach to treat anxiety disorder called cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT.

This popular form of therapy, used for a variety of psychiatric disorders, helps to identify, understand and highlight people’s thoughts and behaviors.

Ken Dickworth, MD, medical director of the National Coalition on Mental Illness, says your doctor may first start you with an antidepressant to help you with your symptoms and tell you that It can take four to six weeks to notice the effects. Assistant Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School, Boston.

Your doctor may also work with you to find out if you can increase your dose or add other medications. Often, one drug may increase the effects of another or reduce its side effects.

There are several different medications that can be used to treat GAD, including:

Antidepressants such as Zoloft (Certinine), Prozac (Fluoxetine), Shambalta (Deloxetine), Lexapro (Escitalum), or Pixel (Peroxetine)
Bosprone, an anti-anxiety drug
Benzodiazepines such as ativan (lorazepam), valium (dizapam), or xanax (alprazolam)
Antidepressants are the first line treatment for GAD.

But like other anxiety disorders, benzodiazepines should only be prescribed for a short time and taken on an as-needed basis. Unlike antidepressants, they can be addictive.

Dr. Celsido says you can also get some relief from mindfulness exercises. Research shows that they may be helpful in relieving the symptoms of anxiety. (5) Deep breathing exercises can also help.

What Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?
What Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?

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