What Is Eating Disorders? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Seeing what you eat, like most things, is good for you in moderation. Eating a balanced diet and feeling comfortable in your body is definitely a good goal. But when you overeat depending on what you eat, when you eat and how much you eat in a place where it depends on your life and affects your ability to work, you have an eating disorder. May be.

What’s Normal Eating Behavior and What Isn’t?

How do you know if worries about your diet and body shape are leading to eating disorders – or may already be? You can’t just look in the mirror. Despite the idea of ​​many people, you need to be a female woman or thin or not fat to suffer from eating disorders. You don’t even have to look as if something is wrong. In New York City and Montclair, New Jersey, who spent a decade fighting during his youth, “weight loss may be a sign of illness, but it’s certainly not the only one.” And finally he is recovering from his severe anorexia.

Eating disorders in young, white, well-to-do women do not always correspond to reality. “Eating disorders are found in all age groups, social classes, genders, sizes, levels of education, races and ethnicities,” says Tomoko Ado, co-author of an extensive study on the prevalence of eating disorders published in April ۔ ” 16, 2018, Journal of Biological Psychology: Journal of Psychological Neuroscience and Therapeutics. (1) Of course, stereotypes about who suffers from an eating disorder can be a real barrier to getting help for those who don’t fit those stereotypes.

Because eating disorders are not always obvious, most of us know it. At some point in their lives, at least 30 million Americans (even some 10 million boys and men) will have an eating disorder. (2)

The most common eating disorder that affects both sexes.

Anorexia nervosa is an extremely unrealistic view of calorie intake, extreme fear of gaining weight and often body size and shape.
Blemish, also known as Binge’s Purgatory Syndrome, is a condition that causes frequent, rapid overeating to prevent weight gain. Cleaning can include forced vomiting, obsessive exercise and laxatives and diuretics.
Binge eating disorder is often caused by self-loathing and embarrassment. People with this condition are not pure. (3)

What Causes Eating Disorders?

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, eating disorders are complex diseases caused by a combination of genetic, biological, behavioral, psychological and social factors. (4)

For example, a parent or a sibling with an eating disorder may have a relationship with someone. So, too, there may be some anxiety or depression disorder, or trauma such as sexual abuse. ()) Even bullying in childhood can dramatically increase one’s risk. (6)

We also live in a culture that has historically achieved greatness more than success. Movies, television shows and fashion magazines have strengthened this value system by featuring unhealthy and unrealistic bodies, thus helping with eating disorders.

But in recent years that has begun to change. More and more celebrities are stepping up to showcase the tool they suffer from in their culture of thinness, which helps to raise awareness about eating disorders and reduce ugly stains.

Among them are:

Gabori Sidby Oscar Nominated Star of Premises and American Horror Story: Apocalypse has fully explained how she used Blemia to deal with depression in her memoirs. It’s just my face: not trying to stare. “My emotions were out of control, and I cried for hours for what I could do,” he wrote. “One day, I cried so long and hard that I started to feel dizzy. When I was done, I wasn’t crying anymore. I wasn’t thinking about what made me cry to get started. I felt empty, which was a big thing – before that, I was filled with so much emotion. … I wasn’t even trying to lose weight – that’s not the way it works. I was trying to stop myself from crying. (7)
Kesha recalled the pop star in an interview in the May 13, 2015 issue of Vogue, which forced her to treat patients with pneumonia in 2014 at Timberlane Knowles Residential Therapy in Lemont, Illinois. ۔ Didn’t eat – and I started to think [that] feeling hungry is a positive thing. The worse it got, the more positive feedback there was. Inside was really unhappy, but outside, people were like, “Wow, you look great. (8)
Lily Collins Collins suffered from anorexia and belimia as a teenager, then years later starred in the film To Bone with Anxiety. By losing a significant amount of weight, he took the risk again. In 2017, he told the British newspaper The Independent that he chose to play a role in raising awareness about eating disorders. “It’s something I need to get as much attention as possible. It’s still taboo to talk about, and yet in today’s society, not just with women, Rather, it is becoming more and more common. (9)

The Disorder Healthcare Providers Often Miss

Healthcare providers often ignore the symptoms of an eating disorder, and many people say things that can make the disorder worse. “Don’t ask a patient who has lost a certain amount of weight about their eating habits, and ultimately how to control their weight,” says Nancy Pradas, a psychiatrist at a private practice in Bedford, Massachusetts. To compliment them, this is a common sight. . Many doctors also prescribe medication for depression without the patient’s mental state affecting their eating habits.

According to a national survey published in the May 2015 issue, it is easy to find cracks in doctors’ offices due to eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders (10)

Telltale Eating Disorder Signs to Look For

If you see these red flags in yourself or in a friend or family member, you may want to consider consulting an expert:

Eaten in terms of food, weight, fat, or calories
Avoid favorite foods once
Prefer to eat alone with others so that no one can decide how little or how much is being eaten
Excessive exercise; For example, planning around the day’s work, setting unrealistic goals, or ignoring signs of injury or fatigue
Finding as many faults as possible in someone’s body, or looking at it differently from what other people say
Paying more attention to other people’s bodies
Use appetite suppressants, laxatives, diuretics or enemas regularly

How Dangerous Are Eating Disorders?

In a word, a lot. Although many people with eating disorders appear to be working outside and working more at home, indoors, their bodies are in crisis. Some eventually recover completely. Recover others and go through the interval again. And some get chronically ill or die. Anorexia is especially deadly. Research published in the July 2011 issue of the journal Archives of General Psychiatry shows that it is the deadliest of all mental illnesses, followed by schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. (11) An estimated 20% of people eventually die from medical complications such as irregular or very low heart rate (arrhythmia), sudden cardiac arrest, severe liver disease, or suicide.

Even survivors can experience serious health problems, including but not limited to:

Irreversible bone loss
Muscle weakness and weakness, including in the heart muscle.
Deficiency of blood
Severe dehydration, which can lead to kidney failure
Dry skin and hair loss
Slow digestion (gastropress)
Fainting, fatigue and general weakness
Menstrual irregularities or movements
Depression (12)

What Is Eating Disorders?
What Is Eating Disorders?

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