Night Sweats Keeping You Up?

Sweat dripping and wrapping in soaked sheets can be annoying, but it’s not always serious. Here are 10 reasons to sweat at night and tips to help you enjoy a good night’s sleep.

When you go out to sleep, you look forward to a good night’s sleep.

But you wake up a few hours later, soaking your hair, soaking your sheets, and sweating. Who made the thermostat?

It is your body’s own thermostat that causes night sweats. And while this may be a simple “life-changing” side effect, sometimes excessive night sweats can be a real threat to your health.

Night sweats are usually “caused by hormonal changes associated with menopause, but can be a sign of a serious infection,” says Lisa Chavez, medical director of North Shower Sleep Medicine in Evanston, Eleven.

According to Dr. Shows, night sweats can be a problem on many levels.

“For some women, sleep can be very disturbing.” “They have to get up in the middle of the night and change their clothes and bed sheets.” This means losing the precious sleep you need to maintain your energy levels throughout the day.

10 Night Sweats Causes

There are many possible causes of night sweats, ranging from general anxiety to emergency medical issues. Here is a list of 10 common triggers:

Menopause due to changes in hormone levels
Bacterial infections, often with an unusual cause, such as brucellosis or tuberculosis, or viral infections, such as HIV
Hypoglycemia (blood sugar), which is most likely to occur in diabetics when their medication causes the blood sugar to drop during sleep.
Cancers, especially prostate, thyroid, solid kidney tumors, or lymphomas. But other cancers can also cause sweating.
Endocrine system disorders, including hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)
Medication side effects, including antidepressants, chemotherapy drugs such as tamoxifen (tamoxin, nolvadex), niacin, omprazol (lozic, prolosic), aspirin, or acetaminophen
Neurological conditions, such as paralysis or spinal cord injury
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Hyperhidrosis, or persistent excessive sweating for no apparent reason
Some of these reasons are serious. Others are an easy solution. Symptoms alone can’t help you figure out what’s normal and what’s not – even if you’re menopausal.

“It’s worrying if someone is sweating heavily, who is not close to menopause,” says Schweiz. “Even if age and sex are right for menopause, if you sweat suddenly and profusely, I would advise you to get your doctor’s attention,” he added.

Keep the night cool

If you experience night sweats that you can’t get rid of (and until you go through menopause), you can add some extra steps to your sleep routine to keep yourself cool at bedtime. Are

Here are some tips to help prevent night sweats:

Gold in lightweight, loose looking, absorbent cotton pajamas.
Sleep with light weight blankets on cotton sheets instead of heavy comforters.
Keep a glass of ice water by your bedside, and drink it if you start to feel sweaty at night.
Keep your thermostat at a cool temperature at night.
Avoid anything that stimulates your warm glow before bed – food doesn’t have a hot cup of tea or spicy curry in bed.
Keep the fan running in your room.
For many women, night sweats can easily become a part of life during menopause. But for night sweats which can be caused by other health conditions, seek medical advice – and use these tips to reduce night sweats and get more rest.


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